César Rodriguez-Emmenegger
¹Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona, Spain, ²Institució Catalana de
Reserca I Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain; and DWI Leibniz Institute for
Interactive Materials, Aachen, Germany
Email: crodriguez(ELIMINAR)@ibecbarcelona.eu
Nature achieves unmatched functionality by the s elf-as s embly of (macro)molecula r building
blocks in a hiera rchica l manner. All information necess ary for the function is encoded
at the molecula r level. Unraveling such blueprints serves as a powerful paradigm in the
bio-ins pired s ynthes is of materia ls that can seam les s ly interfa ce with living matter or
perform non-natural functions . In this talk, I will pres ent a s election of res earch s tudies
from my la b addres s ing the overarching task of developing bio-ins pired intera ctive
materia ls and their applica tion in the biom edica l field. Three themes will be cons
idered. Firs tly, I will pres ent hydrophilic arbores cent polymers , a new class of quas
i-dendritic macromolecules in which the topology codes for extreme flexibility and
enables a myria d of multiva lent intera ctions . Secondly, I will present highlights of
the antim icrobia l Kill&Repel and Adaptive hemocompatible nanocoatings and our efforts in trans
la ting them to medica l devices . The las t part of the talk will focus on the de ve
lopm ent of Membrane Machines , tailor-made s ynthetic ves icles capable of recapitula ting s
ome fundamental biologica l properties and performing specific tas ks . We take advantage of
thes e s ys tems to s tudy how biological s e lectivity can emerge from the la teral
organization of liga nd in s tatic and dynam ic sys tems such as the bacteria l divis ome.
We are als o developing s ynthetic macrophage-mimetic microrobots capable of endocytos ing
bacteria and viruses, including SARS-CoV-2.
Research lines of Bioinspired Interactive Materials and Protocellular Systems group.
Google scholar: César Rodriguez-Emmenegger - Google Académico
Thursday 23th of February 2023
TIME: at 12:00
LOCATION: Presential: Sala de Graus de Química
César Rodriguez-Emmenegger
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Barcelona, Spain