The Academic Commission ofthe Doctorate in Chemical Science and Technology, within the Program Improvement Plan, has decided to organize the series of conferences "CiTQ multidisciplinary seminars", firstly with the aim to expand the already existing offer to the students of the program, but opening also to the ICIQ and the Campus. Each month a lecturer will be invited to give a lecture / seminar. As long as the situation generated by Covid-19 lasts, these conferences will be held online. The seminars will be in principle on Thursday at 12:00, but we will try to make the event compatible with the offer of the ICIQ, the Campus, and also the RSEQ, which also currently offers a cycle with important speakers.
With or Without You: Stories in Copper Chemistry Dr. Silvia Díez-González, Biography Department of Chemistry at Imperial College London. Faculty of Natural Sciences. United Kingdom. 27 de marzo , a las 12:00, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Química. |
Optimization of Chemical Reactions on a Robotic-Flow Platform Guided by Artificial Intelligence Prof. Dr. François-Xavier Felpin, Biography Nantes Université, CEISAM, UMR CNRS 6230, Nantes 29 de abril, a las 12:00, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Química. |
Industrial Scale Enantioselective Hydrogenation using Pfaltz-Type Catalysts Dr. Christoph Schotes de Bayer AG, Biography Research & Development, Pharmaceuticals Process Optimization, Germany 30 de abril, a las 12:00, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Química |
To be announced soon Prof. Charles Machan, Biography Department of Chemistry, University of Virginia. USA. 21 de mayo, a las 12:00, Sala de Graus de la Facultat de Química. |
Postponed. New date coming soon Core-Shell Polymer Dispersed in Water: Nanoreactors for Aqueous Biphasic Catalysis Eric Manoury, Biography Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordinatio, CNRS, Toulouse, France. |